Author Archive

Skate at Lafayette Today & Free Skating Inside »

Dec. 23 2016 Hi Neighbors, Happy Holidays! The ice at Lafayette seems ok thanks to the City of Duluth crews, neighbor Ricky Lyle and a small crew of volunteers tending the ice and building access. The intent is to have lower Lafayette open from 10am to 10 pm over the holiday break if the ice […]

Goodbye Boathouse on Saturday Oct. 8 & Save Lake Superior Association Annual Awards & Picnic on Oct. 15 »

                                                    Annual meeting invitation: Save Lake Superior Association Saturday October 15, 2016 Lafayette Square on Park Point (3000 Minnesota Avenue) Opening remarks by Le Lind, Chair of the Board Presentation […]

Parks & Recreation Commission meeting on Wednesday, September 14 at 5:00pm in the City Council Chambers »

Check in with Keith Hamre and Lindsay Dean from the City of Duluth on Wed. 9/14 Short update on Park Point planning projects at the next Parks & Recreation Commission meeting on Wednesday, September 14 at 5:00pm in the City Council Chambers Parks and Planning department staff, as well as Parks & Recreation Commissioners, will […]

Lake Superior Water Levels & Next Meeting on Tuesday, September 20 »

Hi, Hope to see you on Tues., Sept. 20 at Lafayette for our next regular meeting. A City Planning representative  will be speaking on the Duluth Comprehensive Plan. 6:30pm social followed by the meeting at 7pm, Tuesday, September 20 Thanks to neighbor Jeff Stuermer for checking out the details on the lake level. Neighbors were […]

Bridge Lifts for Tall Ship Festival »

Aerial Lift Bridge and Minnesota Slip Bridge To Run Amended Schedules for Tall Ships Festival this Week [Duluth, MN] – The Minnesota Slip Bridge (or the Blue Bridge in Canal Park) and the Aerial Lift Bridge will be implementing a modified lift schedule during the Tall Ships Festival. These hours will be in effect from […]

August 16th meeting is at Sky Harbor Airport »

6:30pm social, 7:00pm meeting, hope to see you there Thank you to Brian Madsen, airport manager & Dave Poulin, PPCC Program chair for collaborating to have this meeting at the airport. Ms. Benita Crow from SEH will be presenting information on the upcoming airport project. Details below: SEH, together with the Duluth Airport Authority, would […]

NNO Potluck Dinner, Beach House, August 2, 6-8pm or longer :) »

                      Hello Neighbors, All Park Pointers are invited to a Community Potluck Dinner at the Beach House on Tuesday, August 2, from 6-8pm or later! If you are new to our island, the Beach House is at 5000 Minnesota Ave. Several community volunteers have planned […]

Storm damage recoveries- check here for lost items on Park Point »

Thank you to community members for keeping an eye out for lost items due to last week’s storm. John’s long spoon oar was recovered by Heather at North Shore SUP Dave’s chimney top was recovered by a neighbor. Found dock sections, off of Southworth Marsh by Mary Gaidis 8/1/2016, 722-8798 with questions. One section has […]

City’s Comprehensive Plan Survey Here- Presentation in September »

Our new neighbor, Kate Van Daele, is working in city planning and is seeking feedback for the comprehensive planning process. Would you take a few minutes and complete this survey? Kate will give a short presentation at September’s meeting at Lafayette. For the Comprehensive Plan, we are engaging with over 100 groups and community clubs […]

PPCC Meeting on Tuesday, July 19, 6:30 pm social, 7pm meeting »

Agenda items: Tentative short presentation by members of the Girl Scouts who have been cleaning up the beach What happening on Park Point? A lot! July 14 Park Point Five-Miler The 5-mile race begins at 6:30 p.m. and runners will travel around the Park Point ball fields down Minnesota Avenue to approximately 23rd Avenue where […]