Author Archive

Tax Meeting, Tunnel Pass, Sky Harbor Update & More »

Upper Lafayette, 7pm, June 11 Cory Leinwander Assistant County Assessor will come down and explain how the new Park Point land valuation model was created and answer general taxation questions about Park Point etc. Please contact the appraiser, Anne Sims,726-2303, with specific questions about your personal property.,  218-726-2307 is the contact information for the assessor. If […]

Meeting on May 21, Thursday, Cookies at 6:30, Meeting 7pm »

Hope to see you on May 21 at Lafayette! Order of Business Call to Order  Presentation and action on the minutes of the previous meeting Presentation and action on the treasurer’s report Reading of all communications received Report of the Committees Environmental- Tree planting report Art Fair- Diane Gould, posters and bookmarks to distribute PPCC […]

Smelt Parade on Sunday, May 17 & Call 727-4067 to plant trees »

PPCC is a supporter of this event. Thanks to all involved and congrats to the Smelt Queen! 2pm Sunday-meet at the grassy plaza behind Maritime Museum at the Aerial Bridge Our annual tree planting weekend is THIS WEEKEND, May 15-17. Please give a call to Dick Gould @ 727-4067 to make a plan to pick […]

Community Club Meeting on May 21; Call Dick to plant trees »

Our trees will arrive on May 15 and we need volunteers to plant them. Please call Dick Gould 727-4067 to schedule tree pick-up. Thanks to Dick for facilitating Park Point tree planting  for years! This year we will be planting red and white pines and white cedars.  Looking ahead- monthly meeting on May 21, the […]

Street End Working Group Meeting & Presentation on Tuesday May 5, 7pm Lafayette »

Urban Planning Student Project Presentation and Working Group Meeting A group of UMD students will share their analysis and recommendations for Park Point in their presentation: Collaborative Planning The Politics of Public Parks All are welcome, 7pm, Lafayette on Tuesday May 5th City Planning Street End Study Group starts May 6th City of Duluth Planning […]

PPCC Meeting on Thursday April 16, 7pm, social time at 6:30pm »

Club Mission: The purpose of the Club is to work for the betterment of the Community and the welfare of its residents. Agenda items: Second vote on support for Run, Smelt, Run– Jim Ouray, $300 as proposed. Breeze Editor proposal, contract with Natalija Walbridge, PPCC executive board recommends a one year contract. Park Point Working […]

Special Meeting & Rowing Club presentation on March 19th »

Special Meeting on Tier 2 Access. March 19, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Regular meeting to follow A special meeting has been requested by the members of the informal Park Point Working Group which is made up of about a dozen volunteers who have been meeting over the past 5 months. The special meeting will include […]

How to comment on variance requests to the Planning Commission »

1 – Link to prospective 9-story Park Point hotel update 2 – Next Planning Commission Meeting: Meeting Time and Place: Second Tuesday of every month Council Chamber, City Hall, at 5:00 p.m. Agenda Item PL 15-025 Variance from Mu-W Height Limit at 1001 Minnesota Avenue (under previous name) Island Inn and Suites (now called […]

Lower Lafayette closed due to cold- today, Feb.18 »

Hopefully things will warm up for tomorrow. Questions/comments to Dawn 393-4219 or Dave 722-1511  

Community Club Meeting on Thursday, February 19th, 6:30 pm social »

Social at 6:30pm Upper Lafayette Meeting agenda items for 19 Feb. Mike Sawinski from the Duluth Superior Sailing Association and the Duluth Boat Club will be back to share info and take input about the new proposed boating facilities at the current DSSA site and at 13th and Minnesota Ave. Sharla Gardner, City Councilor for […]