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Meetings Cancelled- Planning Meetings Today and Tonight »

Due to hazardous weather, this event today is cancelled.  Notice of the rescheduled Planning Commission meeting and Park Point plan open house. Wed, April 16th 2014, Council Chambers at 5:00 pm (with the Park Point Small Area Plan Open House in Room 303 from 3:00 to 4:30pm John E. Judd, III Senior Planner 218-730-5580 […]

CANCELLED- April 8 Planning Commission Open House & Meeting »

  Tonight’s meeting with the Planning Commission is cancelled.  Here are the newest documents from City Planning pertaining to the Park Point Small Area Plan: SEH Memo – Park Point 033114 PP SAP Memo to PC 4-1-14 Alternative 3 Option3 SEH PP/SAP  Committee FYI. Please see below. This also means that the Park Point Small […]

Public Hearing – Planning Commission re. Park Point Small Area Plan »

Hi Neighbors, Here is the sub-committee report from the Planning Commission re. the PP Small Area Plan presented by City Planning. Again, here  is the  draft report from City Planning and the PPSmall Area Plan advisory committee:  Draft Small Area Plan from City Planning You will have an opportunity to present your personal opinion on Tuesday, Feb. […]

Skating, Beach Biking, Small Area Plan Minority Reports & Updates »

Skating at Lafayette A huge thank you to Dave Lavamaki, Bob Boynton, Dave Poulin for our skating rink and access to Lafayette. Thank you also to the City of Duluth crews who come down to water and sweep when they can. Thank you to Pamela Page and Kathy Bergen at the City as well for […]

“Huloa” schooner in early 1960’s plus “Seabird” »

The Huloa was built in Nova Scotia in the 1930’s for Father McGranahan. Dr. Art Huderle, a Duluth dentist who lived at 3108 Minnesota Ave., was part of the crew who sailed the Huloa to Duluth from Nova Scotia. “Doc” Huderle later owned the schooner and anchored her near Lafayette. Note of interest: Father McGranahan […]

Street-end Survey Data-Thank you to all who participated! »

Survey Data: SurveySummary for PPCC final Scroll to the last pages for hundreds of comments. 246  citizens participated, thank you. This data will be shared with City of Duluth Administration and Planning: Keith Hamre, John Judd, Mayor Ness The PP Small Area Plan Advisory Committee will be looking at all comments. City Planning will be collecting […]

City Planning hosts open house style public meeting at Lafayette, Wed. 10/30 4-6pm »

Public Meeting on Park Point- Bring your input ! Small Area Plan Scheduled for October 30 [Duluth, MN] – The City of Duluth invites the public to attend the Park Point Small Area Plan Public Open House meeting on Wednesday, October 30, 2013, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm at the Lafayette Community Recreation Center located […]

Please take the Park Point Street End Survey by October 28 »

City of Duluth Administration is proposing street end vacations on the bayside and the lake side of Park Point. ( 14 on the bay side and 3 on the lake side) The list of recommended street ends for vacation is in the October Breeze. Street end access on Park Point has been discussed for years […]

Park Point Small Area Plan Meeting on Wednesday Oct. 2, 5pm at Lafayette »

Park Point Small Area Plan Committee Meeting, Observers Welcome, 5pm Wednesday, October 2, 2013 Lafayette Community Recreation Center Plan Committee Summary 09.18.2013 (Autosaved) Plan Committee Agenda 10.02.13  

Park Point Small Area Plan Meeting on September 18 at Lafayette »

Wednesday, September 18th at 5:00p.m Plan Committee Summary 6.4.2013 (Autosaved) Plan Committee Agenda 9.18.13 Observers welcome. Contact City Planning with questions or visit the City’s Website. John E. Judd, III Senior Planner Planning Division City of Duluth 218-730-5580