Author Archive

County Land Sale Update »

Bring your questions to the PPCC meetings. Continue to contact Frank Jewell  re. your concerns on this ongoing process. The City Council and the Port Authority have approved the sale of the three parcels discussed at the public meeting. The Minnesota Legislature must also approve the sale; timeframe is in the spring. Parcels have been […]

PPCC Festivities Start at 6pm on Thursday, November 15th »

Hi Neighbors! Dig out your “working but not needed by you anymore “lights for our lighting exchange that will start at 6pm at LaFayette. Pass these lights on to a neighbor to help us light up our community as the days get shorter.  Our social time will start about 6:30 with the unveiling of the […]

Opening Day on Park Point »

Thank you to our neighbors Carolyn  & Fred  for submitting these photos.

Next Meeting on Thursday, November 15, 6:30 pm Social & 7pm Meeting »

This will be an exciting evening! Our own Park Point beer will be named and sampled. Also: We will have a holiday light exchange. Bring your holiday lights and decorations that still work but you are not using and trade them or give them to a neighbor. We want to bring some cheer to the […]

Sky Harbor Airport Runway Update »

Duluth Airport Authority Sky Harbor Airport – Duluth, MN-Obstruction Removal and Environmental Review Process Project Update October 2012 Sky Harbor Airport Photos Hi Neighbors, Nice to see so many of you at our meeting last week. Our  guests listed below presented info on the airport project: Tom Werner, Director of Operations/Interim Exec. Director of the […]

Name our own Park Point Beer Opportunity »

This month’s fun, PPCC activity is to name a batch of beer  that is currently brewing just for Park Pointers. We are having a naming contest for the beer which will be ready by next month’s meeting date, Nov. 15. Please send your suggestions for this very special beer to my PPCC email address- […]

Community Club Meeting on Thursday, October 18 at Lafeyette Square »

Hi Neighbors, Hope to see you on Thursday at 6:30 pm for social time before the 7pm meeting. Ted B. will be making his favorite oatmeal choc-oat chip cookies. See you then! Dawn Meeting Agenda Head of the Charles Regatta Follow our Park Point Competitors

Fray on the Bay »

Vacation Rentals on Park Point, Updates & Correspondence from Residents »

Updates and Correspondence from Kyle Deming Scroll down to the end to see residents’ comments.

St. Louis County’s Presentation on Tax Forfeited Properties on Park Point, October 3,2012 »

Thank you to the county  and city officials who presented this information on Park Point properties that may be up for sale. All of these properties were private property at one time. The county does not want to be in the rental business on Park Point so would like to sell this land and get […]