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PPCC March 17th Meeting Canceled, survey is below for the May 14 clean up »

Hi Neighbors, Given the recent guidelines and most up to date information, canceling the meetings seems the right thing to do. Please spread the word and take care; give me a call with questions or concerns. It’s a good time to touch base and share contact information with neighbors and take care of each other during […]

Canceled! Park Point Summer Youth Program 2020 Open House On March 26th at Lafayette »

This event is canceled, check back for possible new date. Thursday March 26 at Lafayette Square Park, upstairs 3026 Minnesota Ave. 5:30-7:00pm Meet the counselors, check out the park and hear about the fun planned for this summer! Nine week program runs June 8 to August 6, Monday – Thursday 8am to 5pm Summer 2017 […]

Skating tonight at Lafayette 430-830pm 2/19, Wednesday »

2.19.2020 4:30pm to 8pm this evening! Skate while you can! Warm temps are coming this weekend! Thanks to Lafayette Rink Manager Mark Elden for facilitating this opportunity!   Reminder: Meeting, Tues. Feb 18, 630pm social, 7pm meeting  On the agenda: Second vote on annual tree purchase 2020 PP Summer Youth Program Budget approval Important Dates: Rummage […]

Skating today? Call Mark Elden if you are willing to host at Lafayette »

Thank you to our neighbors who have made the skating possible this season. The City crews helped clear the snow for the initial flooding. Mark E., Coral M., Dave P., Jake K., Will K., Rick L., Bob B., Sally B., Gary G. Mark E.218-340-6453

Skating at Lafayette Today, January 25, 2020 »

Volunteers will have skating and warming at Lafayette today as long as it’s not slushy. Happy skating and enjoying the oldest park in Duluth!

Pizza, Presentation, Meeting on Tuesday at Lafayette, 1/21/2020 »

6:30pm Membership Drive and Pizza Party 7pm Guest speaker “Starved, drowned, and battered: The uncertain fate of Park Point” John B. Swenson, Associate Professor and Associate Chair Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences University of Minnesota Duluth “Lake Superior is near historically high levels, allowing wave action to attack Park Point to devastating effect. But […]

January 11th : Skating Tonight! 7pm to approx. 8:30pm »

Are your skates handy? How about some  Wolf moon skating? Will and Jake Kapsner are hosting tonight. Rinkman Mark Elden and his team members have been working hard to prepare a nice rink at Lafayette. Thank you !!!! The rink is open now for skating!7pm to about 8:30pm tonight; there are two bins of donated […]

January 21 Membership Meeting with 6:30 Pizza & 7pm Presentation by Dr. John Swenson »

Breeze January 2020 Pizza and speaker Dr. John Swenson, on Erosion & High Water on Park Point, History and the Hydrology of what is happening. Dr. Swenson is an associate professor at UMD: “In the last few years, I have been working on developing models of coastal erosion on the north and south shores, with […]

Lafayette Rink Update Saturday, January 4, 6-9pm or so, skating tonight, volunteers please call Mark Elden »

Thank you to the City for the boost at Lafayette in snow management which will allow for rink flooding to begin. Mark Elden and a small team have been working on a rink at Lafayette! Contact Mark if you are willing to help with flooding, and hanging out at Lafayette in the warming area and […]

November Meeting and Breeze »

On the agenda: Spring is coming! Alayna with the City of Duluth will join us to start the brainstorming process for spring 2020 beach sweeping. She is seeking PPCC partnership in planning a major beach sweep event in the spring.  The effort would involve 100 volunteers and sponsors that would provide food and drink for […]