Author Archive

maybreezey »

20110525_May_Breeze_2011.pdf **NEWLY ADDED**

no painting… »

“We have contacted the fire chief in the past and he told us under no circumstances could the fire hall be painted by volunteers.” -Dick Gould

message from Dave Haavik »

“Dear Park Point Community Club,   My name is Dave Haavik.  I’ve been a Park Point resident living near the Fire Station for the last four years.   The fire station badly needs some exterior maintainence but the city can’t seem to accomplish anything in this area because it is riven by several factions, one of which wants to rebuild the […]

Craig Hom »

“I only met Craig a few times (such as when he catered the Art Fair; then when he helped the Point out with that intense weekend of brush removal after a big storm; and at charity events for CHOICE, where he served as a board member and was so generous), but he seemed to have […]

duck »

I was driving by and saw this, thought it would be a neat picture so I stopped and snapped it. -Ryan  

April Breeze »

20110415_April_Breeze_2011.pdf **NEWLY ADDED** In case you forgot, you can look through older Breeze’s by clicking on “theBreeze” above

Breeze for March »

20110312_March_ Breeze_2011.pdf

Feb-Breezy »

20110227_February_Breeze_2011.pdf **NEWLY ADDED**

JanBreeze »

20110117_January_Breeze_2011.pdf **NEWLY ADDED**

december breeze »

20101231_December_Breeze_2010.pdf **NEWLY ADDED**