message from Dave Haavik

“Dear Park Point Community Club,


My name is Dave Haavik.  I’ve been a Park Point resident living near the Fire Station for the last four years.


The fire station badly needs some exterior maintainence but the city can’t seem to accomplish anything in this area because it is riven by several factions, one of which wants to rebuild the place from the ground up, and another which wants to eliminate Fire Station No 5 entirely.


I thought that we could, as a community, repaint the place with 6-10 volunteers and perhaps $500 of materials.  Everyone I’ve talked with has been enthusiastic and I think we’d have no trouble finding volunteers.  Would the Community Club be willing to sponsor this project?


Earlier this spring I contacted my friend Fireman Rick with the idea.  He met alot of resistance along the way, but eventually got a firm answer from the City Architect, who said we were welcome to repaint the fire station if


1) we submit a Project Request Proposal to his office; and


2) said Project Request Proposal contains “safe lead-based paint removal practices.”


I don’t know how much extra effort and expense this will entail, but I still think this is an idea which could be of interest to the Community Club.  All the neighbors on 22nd Street are on board, and we can help with logistics and management.


Respectfully yours,

David Haavik”


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