Category: Updates

july breeze »

Reformatted TheBreeze and also added the July Breeze, you can check out these updates by clicking TheBreeze at the top of the page.

treasure trove of breeze »

I’ve converted and uploaded 36 vintage editions of “The Breeze”.  This treasure trove of breeze can be viewed by clicking TheBreeze on the top of this site. These are all the digital copies of “The Breeze” that we know of, if you have any other digital copies, send them to me and I’ll post them.

june breeze, contacts, upcoming events, vintage breeze »

The 2009 June Breeze is ready for viewing by clicking below, it also can be found in TheBreeze section. The Breeze, June 2009 The Contact information and upcoming events have been updated. Alan has suplied me with a boatload of digital editions of The Breeze.  These will be converted and uploaded to this website for […]

Park Point Art Fair Website »

The Park Point Art Fair website can be found at The ParkPointArtFair page on the top of this site also has a link to the website.

updated by-laws »

Updated By-Laws are now available, you can find them on the home page under “Documents Of Interest”

new contact, more vintage breeze »

I updated the contact section of this site and just uploaded another batch of 16 vintage editions of The Breeze, check them out! The Breeze, February 2006 The Breeze, January 2006 The Breeze, December 2005 The Breeze, November 2005 The Breeze, October 2005 The Breeze, September 2005 The Breeze, August 2005 The Breeze, July 2005 […]

may breeze – upcoming events »

Look to the right for updated upcoming events.  Also, I just uploaded the latest issue of The Breeze, check it out! The Breeze, May 2009 As usual, this and past issues can be found on TheBreeze page on this site.

annual tree-planting in May on the dunes »

The following tree-planting information is from Kinnan Stauber: We are planning on planting the last three Saturdays in May. 16th we will be at the S-curve parking area, the 23rd we will be behind Lafayette, and the 30th will be in “the Barrens” (Between the beach house and the airport) All work times are 9-12. […]

vintage breeze »

I just uploaded 5 vintage editions of the Breeze, check them out! The Breeze, May 2006 The Breeze, April 2006 Park Point Breeze, December 1997 Park Point Breeze, November 1997 Park Point Breeze, October 1997 These can always be found on the TheBreeze page, found at the top of this web site.  I found these on the previous […]

new home for park point community club web site »

For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Ryan, the webmaster for this site.  I married a Park Pointer, lived on Park Point for a short time, and have been bridged a few hundred times.  So I think that makes me at least an honorary Park Pointer for life. Welcome to the new home […]