Small Area Plan January 9 Meeting Documents & Notes

Please bring your questions for the Small Area Plan committee members to the PPCC Meeting on Thursday, January 17.

It is PPCC membership month so come early for the pizza social at 6:30pm!

See you then, Dawn

Small Are Plan Meeting Dates:

1st and 3rd Wednesday’s of each month with the exception of the next meeting being on the 4th Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013 at 5:00pm; all at Lafayette. Community members are welcome to come and observe the process. Two Park Pointers who live near the bridge joined us at the last meeting as observers. Thanks for coming!

SUMMARY OF COMMENTS From Partipants Jan 9

City of Duluth SAP Process

Build Out Analysis Jan 9 2013

Park Point Buildout Area from Jan 9 meeting

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