Please take the Park Point Street End Survey by October 28

City of Duluth Administration is proposing street end vacations on the bayside and the lake side of Park Point. ( 14 on the bay side and 3 on the lake side)
The list of recommended street ends for vacation is in the October Breeze. Street end access on Park Point has been discussed for years but clarity, and, at times, civility, have been elusive.

Several members of the Park Point Community Club suggested a survey to find out what users of Park Point think about the City’s proposal.

Your input will be used to discuss how the street ends on Park Point are used and to make a recommendation to City Planning on the future of public access on Park Point.

The public meeting of the Park Point Small Area Plan will be held at Lafayette on October 30, time to be determined. The event will be hosted by City Planning staff.

Click here to take the survey.


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