Public Hearing – Planning Commission re. Park Point Small Area Plan

Hi Neighbors,

Here is the sub-committee report from the Planning Commission re. the PP Small Area Plan presented by City Planning. Again, here  is the  draft report from City Planning and the PPSmall Area Plan advisory committee:  Draft Small Area Plan from City Planning

You will have an opportunity to present your personal opinion on Tuesday, Feb. 11 at the Planning Commission’s public hearing at 5pm. Meeting to be held in  City Council Chambers, City Hall, Planning Division

If you can’t make the 5pm meeting on Tues., here is the link to submit your comments to the planning commission– scroll to the bottom of the page to submit comments.

City planning staff will be presenting to the Commission. 

After the Planning Commission has taken action on the plan recommendations they will be forwarded to the City Council for their review and action.

February 11, 6pm  is also the informative meeting on the formation of a Park Point Neighborhood Watch Committee at Lafayette. 

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