CANCELLED- April 8 Planning Commission Open House & Meeting


Tonight’s meeting with the Planning Commission is cancelled. cancelled

Here are the newest documents from City Planning pertaining to the Park Point Small Area Plan:

SEH Memo – Park Point 033114 PP SAP Memo to PC 4-1-14 Alternative 3 Option3 SEH

PP/SAP  Committee

FYI. Please see below.

This also means that the Park Point Small Area Plan (PP/SAP)open house, that was scheduled for tomorrow, April 8, prior to the Planning Commission meeting is cancelled.

A soon as the date/time of the Commissions special meeting is set, we will schedule the PP/SAP open house for the hour prior to that meeting.                                                                                        

In the meantime if you have any questions or comment regarding there re-scheduled meeting or the  PP/SAP memo, dated April 1, 2014 which was sent to you previously, please contact me.

John E. Judd, III

Senior Planner, City of Duluth Planning Department


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