Please join us at 6:30pm, June 19 for our next meeting, social followed by meeting

Agenda for June 19
Guests: Kaci and Allyz from SEH
Project Update re. Duluth Sky Harbor Airport Runway Obstruction EA/EAW
Please call Kaci in advance of meeting with questions.
Kaci Nowicki  |  Planner
SEH  |  3535 Vadnais Center Drive  |  St. Paul, MN 55110-5196
651.490.2085 direct  | 651.894.2508 cell | 651.490.2150 fax

Resolutions from the executive committee that will move forward for membership vote:
Motion to approve expenditures of up to $500 for Aug. 5  Neighbors Night Out Community Gathering at Lafayette.
 Discussion items:
  • Art Fair Volunteers needed
  • Report on the Youth Program
  • Repair of the boardwalk leading to the beach from upper Lafayette
  • Speed indicating signs along Minnesota Ave. – Is there data to support effectiveness of speed signs?
  • Video surveillance at the end to stop cars ripping up the fields
  • Street condition where contractors have done work- who is responsible and who to call?
  • Please call Diane Gould to volunteer for the Art Fair, 727-4067.
  • Art Fair dates:June 28th and 29th, 2014| 10am – 5pm at the end of Park Point, Duluth Minnesota.
Resolutions from the May 15 PPCC meeting:
The Park Point Community Club has passed the following four motions regarding the Park Point Small Area Plan.
Last fall the club passed a motion opposing the vacation of street ends.  There were about 30 members present at  the meeting and no one spoke in support of vacating the street ends,
At the May 15, 2014 meeting, 3 motions were passed by the club. 
        1.  The Club opposed moving the S-Curve.
           2.  The Club opposed City Planning’s Tier 2.
        3.  The Club supported the strategic placement garbage cans and recycling containers on Park Point where they are needed.
Update on Park Point Scientific and Natural Area
Thank you to neighbors Dennis, LeAne, Susan & Joanne for following this issue.

From the DNR

The outcomes have not been decided at this time. We are expecting to have the results by the end of June and they will be posted on our website here: We’ll send you a note when the outcomes are posted.

Thank you for your inquiry.

 Kelly Randall,

SNA Outreach Coordinator

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