Meeting on Thursday July 17, 6:30pm social & 7pm program & meeting

 HI, Hope to see you there!

All are welcome; would love to see our newest neighbors and our “oldest” neighbors too. 


The Plight of the Plover:
Efforts to restore the St. Louis River Area of Concern and the role of the Piping Plover Project
Thursday July 17th, 7:00 PM
Please join staff from the St. Louis River Alliance for an informational talk on the Piping Plover Habitat Restoration Project and the work being done to revitalize the St. Louis River and river estuary as an Area of Concern. The presentation will cover the current status of projects and outreach efforts being conducted to protect, restore, and enhance the St. Louis River.
Project Manager, Kris Eilers, will be there ( Park Point resident), and Sarah Glesner will be giving the talk along with board member Bill Majewski.

Special guest will be Marie Zhuikov, lifelong Duluthian who writes about Lake Superior science for her day job with the Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute. In the evenings she writes eco-mystic romance novels that are set on the lake. Plover Landing is her second novel, and it’s a sequel to Eye of the Wolf, which was set on Isle Royale.

Author of “Plover Landing” and “Eye of the Wolf” eco-mystic romance novels.

Agenda items:
Old business:
Second vote needed for $500 expenditure for NNO gathering on Tues. Aug. 5th at Lafayette.
Update on the plans for this event.
Progress on recreational lane/curb/boulevard/sidewalk repairs that we discussed at June meeting.   The 2 worst areas of the recreation lane near the Episcopal Church having been repaired. Judy Dwyer will report.
New chairperson for Rummage Sale – still seeking leadership here
New business:
1)Youth Committee needs new chairperson
2)Exec. committee met and recommends changing our regular monthly meeting date so City Councilor would be able to attend future  meetings, current conflict exists due to City Council obligation for councilors.
Future motion will likely read something like  “Motion to amend the PPCC Bylaws to move the regular meeting of the PPCC to the 3rd Tuesday of the month. ” Exec. committee recommends a thorough read & review of bylaws for other appropriate updates and existing typos as well.
City Council will be contacted to see about best date to facilitate participation by councilor.
Exec. bod looking for membership’s feedback on moving forward with bylaw review and meeting date to change in the future.
3) Park Point 5 miler on July 18th, Minnesota Ave. closed at 6:15pm from 23rd to the end of the Point, Friday, tomorrow.

4)Meeting notice:

Meeting to discuss potential amendments to the Park Point Tier Two Access Points, agenda pending, Tuesday, July 29, 2014  from 5pm to 7pm in Room 303 on the 3rd floor of at City Hall. Please contact John Judd with questions:

John E. Judd, III

Senior Planner

Planning Division

City of Duluth



See you then on Thursday!


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