Social and Regular Meeting, Th. Nov. 20, Lafayette 6:30pm

HI, Hope to see you there.

6:30 pm visit w our neighbors, 7pm meeting and then more visiting.

County Land Sale on Park Point land- Gay Hooper

The key points are:

1. The County commissioners voted to take the woods out of conservation at the Nov. 4th board meeting.

2. There will not be a public auction until June 2015. This will allow some time to explore permanent protection, but not a lot.  We are asking anyone with any insight or conservation group connections to please contact Gay Hooper 218-722-2357 or Dulce Proud 218-525-4530.

3. Key soil testing has not been done. The city council has been informed and will look into this.

4. A 1994 six-step MDNR action plan to preserve this land is now being ignored. We will ask the Planning Commission and City Council to re-review the situation.

5. We gave a presentation at the Duluth Audubon Society meeting last week. They were very supportive.

6. 17th &18th Minnesota Ave homeowners met with Rep. Erik Simonson today. He was given a lot of background information about the woods and a copy of the latest breeze thanks to Dave Johnson.

7. I will have a sign up sheet if anyone would like a tour.

Art Fair update- volunteer opportunities, mission of the 2015 Art Fair per the grant. Committee and Carla. Art Fair Committee will meet on Dec. 8th.

Street End Study Group Update- group representative

Pamela Page from Parks and Rec. will be coming. Needs, key system

Skating at Lafayette update-thanks to Dave Lavamaki

Hockey Volunteer enthusiast to help with afternoon, high school, boot hockey class. January 5-9. Looking for sticks and helmets to borrow for 16 students. Thanks for considering. Students will be curling in the morning and teacher would love afternoon hockey help. Please call Dawn Buck, 722-7574 x225. Thanks for considering.

Harvest Pumpkin

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