How to comment on variance requests to the Planning Commission

1 – Link to prospective 9-story Park Point hotel update

2 – Next Planning Commission Meeting:

Meeting Time and Place:

  • Second Tuesday of every month
  • Council Chamber, City Hall, at 5:00 p.m.

Agenda Item PL 15-025 Variance from Mu-W Height Limit at 1001 Minnesota Avenue (under previous name) Island Inn and Suites (now called Park Pointe Inn)

3 – Info on how to communicate with Planning Commission in a timely way – from Planning Director Keith Hamre:

We send the Planning Commissioners a packet of information with the Staff reports a week in advance. Also, we send the Commissioners an email the Friday prior to the meeting with any additional updates. So, if we receive a letter or email by next Monday it will be mailed to them on Tuesday and incorporated in to the Staff Report. The only time communications are handed out the day of the meeting is when we receive them over the weekend prior to the meeting or the day prior. So, I hope this outlines the timing. If you have any correspondence please send it to myself, Charles Froseth and Steven Robertson. We will ensure that the correspondence is sent to the Planning Commission and most importantly noted in the public record with the Commission.

Keith Hamre <>

Charles Froseth <>

Steven Robertson <>

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