PPCC Meeting on Thursday April 16, 7pm, social time at 6:30pm

Club Mission:

The purpose of the Club is to work for the betterment of the Community and the welfare of its residents.

Agenda items:

Second vote on support for Run, Smelt, Run– Jim Ouray, $300 as proposed.

Breeze Editor proposal, contract with Natalija Walbridge, PPCC executive board recommends a one year contract.

Park Point Working Group proposed resolution for public access, the resolutions from the group have been updated since the April Breeze, see below.

“We therefore request the PPCC support the following:
  1. That the City council amend Resolution 14-0262R to remove section (d) that endorses the Tier 2 beach access system, and repeal City Resolution 14-0476R which requires a collaborative study to determine which a6 street ends would have been chosen;
  2. That the public access be protected, with the current working group involved in the process of developing a public access plan that respects the environment, and the needs of both residents and visitors.
  3. Until a community based plan can be developed, the moratorium on street end vacations should continue.”

Park Point Working Group

Lisa Berthel, Bob Boynton, Judy Dwyer, Gale Kerns, Lyn Clark Pegg, Dave Poulin, Bob Swanson, Chelly Townsend, Lynn Wegner

Hope to see you at Lafayette on Thursday evening!

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