Meeting on May 21, Thursday, Cookies at 6:30, Meeting 7pm

Hope to see you on May 21 at Lafayette!

Order of Business

Call to Order

 Presentation and action on the minutes of the previous meeting

Presentation and action on the treasurer’s report

Reading of all communications received

Report of the Committees

Environmental- Tree planting report

Art Fair- Diane Gould, posters and bookmarks to distribute

PPCC Street End Working Group now on City Planning’s Study Group will present update on process & meeting dates and times

Watch Committee- Officers can’t attend tonight due to training but Officer Craig Lindberg sent the numbers of calls, stats at the meeting.

Discussion and action on unfinished business

Second vote to approve Breeze Managing Editor Contract, info in Breeze

Smelt Parade- Check out this fun footage of the smelt parade

Discussion and action on new business

Tax information presentation and questions on June 11 at 7pm, Lafayette, County Tax Assessor will come down to explain the new tax evaluation model used on Park Point. Please send your questions to so the appraisers have a heads up about the information they bring down to share with us.

Bridge Lift Schedule Summer of 2015– check it out and plan accordingly.

Park Point Tunnel Pass- Al Robins and Tom Rauschenfels

Monofilament Collector- thanks to Pam Griggs as our founding volunteer


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