What’s Happening On Park Point?

Park Point Marina Hotel Seeks Expansion- note time change of meeting

FYI re. hearing on Aug. 10, 2015-TIME CHANGED TO 6:15 pm

Hotel expansion note

Marina Expansion Hearing 8.10 Notice of hearing

Response from City Planning re the letter referencing  “200 feet limit.”

“Good morning,

I can help with the question.  In this zone district, Mixed Use Waterfront (section 50-15.6 of the UDC), there is a rule that states, in part,:

To protect public views to the waterfront from the closest landward public street running approximately parallel to the water, all primary structures shall have a maximum width of 200 feet measured along the shoreline and shall be separated from other primary structures by a minimum of 50 feet. These requirements shall not apply to portions of buildings that do not block public views of Lake Superior, the harbor and the St. Louis River from the closest landward public street running approximately parallel to the water due to topography or the location;

The property owner wants to expand the hotel and add more rooms; the planning staff have informed him that in their opinion the hotel currently exceeds the maximum length of 200 feet allowed per the rules stated above.  He can expand the structure, but just not in a way that exceeds 200 feet along the public street.

He is respectfully challenging the planning staff’s interpretation of the rules and decision, and is asking the City Council to review the issue.  He had previously gone to the Planning Commission, and they affirmed the staff’s decision that the structure already exceeds the 200 feet rule.

Here is a link the zone district:


I hope this information helps; have a good day.”


Steven Robertson, Senior Planner (218-730-5295)

City of Duluth, Planning Division

City Planning Department Street End Study Group Update

Subject: Park Point Study Group / Next meetings

John E. Judd, III

Senior Planner




Study Group Members:

It was a close run thing, but a majority were able to meet on the August 19 & 20 dates.  Including Councilor Gardner and our Environment Rep. Stauber.We will rendezvous at t 4:30pm at the Lafayette Park parking area,  as it is roughly in the middle of the remaining length of the Point that we need to review.Please allocate at least 2 hours for this meeting(s). Any questions regarding these meetings please contact me.

John Judd

John Schmidt represents Park Point on the Parks and Recreation Commission; Chelly Townsend, David Poulin, Judy Dwyer, Bob Swanson, Lyn Clark Pegg, Kinnan Stauber are also working with the Planning Department as the process continues.

Here is the document that John Schmidt brought to the group/process as a tool for evaluating access points.

“National Neighbors Night Out” on Park Point

Thank you to everyone who worked on gatherings in our unique sand spit neighborhood; hoping you had a chance to stop in and see new and old friends & neighbors.


St. Andrew's Gathering











Good cookies Jan, Amber and Ranger Craig, Rocky & friends









Great Food! The Grill Team Baker's Gathering Baker's Gathering



















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