Meeting on Thursday, August 20, 6:30pm social; 7pm meeting

Hi Neighbors,

Hope to see you on Thursday night. Jim Booth and Kris Osbakken who are running for City Councilor At-Large seats are planning to stop in to visit with us at 6:30pm.

Meeting agenda items:

Candidates Forum set for Oct 13 at Lafayette: Would you be interested in helping plan this event and collect questions for the candidates? Please contact Dave Poulin of the Program Committee if you are interested. 722-1511

Spirit of the Lights ( Marcia Hales festival on 38th St. ) seeking support for this season’s display which will be entered in a national competition. (Diane Gould)

New meeting night for PPCC meetings?   The current third Thursday conflicts with the City Council agenda setting meeting. Please bring your thoughts on this. 


Misc. Updates:

Update on Street End Study Group:

Park Pointers involved with this City Planning study are John Schmidt, Chelly Townsend, Judy Dwyer, Bob Swanson, Kinnan Stauber, Lyn Clark Pegg, Dave Poulin

Subject: Tomorrow’s  8/19, Study Group Members meeting – CANCELEDStudy Group Members

Due to the 90% prediction for  foul (rainy and windy)  weather for tomorrow we have decided to Cancel the Wednesday 8/19 meeting.

However, the predictions are for fair weather for Thursday’s 8/20 meeting .

Same procedure, we will rendezvous at  4:30pm at the Lafayette Park parking area,  as it is roughly in the middle of the remaining length of the Point that we need to review.

Please allocate at least 2 hours for this meeting(s).

Any questions regarding these meetings please contact me.

John E. Judd, III

Senior Planner

Planning Division

City of Duluth


Third District Duluth City Councilor
(No primary in this race, both candidates advance)
Barri Love
Em Westerlund

At-large Duluth City Councilors
(Two positions; no primary in this race, all four candidates advance)
Jim Booth
Elissa Hansen
Noah Hobbs
Kriss Osbakken

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