PPCC Meeting Notes for Thursday, October 15, 2015

Hi Neighbors,

Thank you to the community volunteers who worked on Tuesday’s forum.

Here is the letter from the Forum Organizing Committee, and the questions from approximately twenty five community members that were sent to the candidates before the forum.Forum Invite and Questions 10.2015 sent

Thank you to Jim Booth, Elissa Hansen, Kris Osbakken, Noah Hobbs and Em Westerlund at Lafayette.

Jim Booth, Elissa Hansen, Kriss Osbakken, Noah Hobbs and Em Westerlund at Lafayette for our candidates’ fourm.













The meeting on Thursday, Oct. 15 will include a the discussion of the resolution that will be on the agenda at November’s meeting.

Resolution to change the regular monthly meeting date of the Park Point Community Club from the third Thursday to the third Tuesday of each month. 

From this month’s Breeze:

Time to Change a Long-time Tradition?

At the August 20th Community Club Meeting, a proposal was made to

change PPCC meeting nights from the third Thursday of each month to the

third Tuesday. As the present scheduling is specified in the Club’s bylaws,

such an alteration would require a vote of approval from the membership.

This proposal has been considered numerous times over the past

several years, although specific action had not been taken prior to the

August meeting, when attendees moved to post this recommendation in

the Breeze. The reasoning behind such an adjustment is that our City

Councilors are currently unable to attend PPCC meetings due to schedul-
ing complications of their own; they are required to attend agenda-setting

sessions on Thursdays. The hope is that altering the meeting night might

encourage greater participation in Park Point issues on the part of City

Councilors. Those members present on August 20th voted to post this

suggestion in the Breeze, with further discussion planned for the October

15th meeting.


From our bylaws:

XIV. Regular Monthly Meetings shall be held in the Community Club center, on the third (3rd) Thursday of each month, and shall start promptly at 7:00 PM.

  1. Regular monthly meetings shall not be held outside of the Community Club Center nor on a date and/or time other than on the third (3rd) Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM, unless
  1. The Club President decides that a change in date, time and/or location of the regular meeting is required, and providing
  1. That not less than one (1) week before such change of the regular meeting’s time, location, and/or date, the membership of the Club is notified in writing, or by other type of public announcement, of the changes to be made.

XXI. Amendments.

Bylaws of the Club may be amended in the following manner:

  1. Amendments must be proposed in writing at a regular monthly meeting, after the membership has been advised by public notice one week prior to the meeting that an amendment to the Constitution and Bylaws would be considered at that particular meeting.

     2. After discussion and explanation of the proposed amendment (s), the membership shall vote at the                next regular meeting, a 2/3 affirmative vote of those present is required to adopt an amendment (s).

Order of Business for October 15,2015

Call to Order & Welcome 7pm

Presentation and action on the minutes of the previous meeting

Presentation and action on the treasurer’s report

Reading of all communications received

Report of the Committees:

Watch Committee


Rummage Sale- From Dave Lavamaki, The annual sale will be held on Friday and Saturday,  June 10th &11th.

Art Fair-Jake Kapsner, will briefly go over proposed budget


Sunshine-Pam Griggs


Program- David Poulin

Breeze-Natalija Walbridge

Hospitality-Diane Gould

Discussion and action on unfinished business

  • By-law change, moving to Tuesday vs. Thursday

Discussion and action on new business

  • Skating rink- volunteers needed for any ice this year, Dave L. is moving on to other interests.


City Council Candidates at Lafayette

City Council Candidates at Lafayette

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