PPCC Meeting on Thursday, Nov. 19

Information  from the Study Group, City Planning on Neighborhood Water Access on Park Point

Proposed Tier Two Access Pt. 10-29-15

Draft Resolution from Study Group

Agenda for Nov. 19

Program on Safety Issues on Park Point: Neighbor Dennis Hoelscher- canceled

Bylaw revision to change regular meeting to the third Tuesday of the month

Review and approve Art Fair budget which includes contract for coordinator

Update from Study Group

Emerald Ash Borer Presentation on December 10

See you at 6:30 pm for chatting then 7:00 pm meeting

Lafayette Community Edible Garden News

Coral McDonnell was recently recognized for her significant contributions to the community garden at Lafayette. This poem was recited at the garden celebration potluck dinner on November 15th at Lafayette. Thank you, Coral!

By Cornelia Dacey

Here’s to our gracious, vivacious Coral Jean

Hard working, energetic she’s our garden queen


She lets us know when it is time to sow

Time to harvest and time to wrap up before snow


When she calls for worker bees, she’s the first one to show

Planting, pulling weeds, whatever the garden needs to grow.


No matter the chore she’s there with a grin,

Sleeves rolled up and working like sin


We pepper her with questions as if she was Google

Instead of using our very own noodle


She is always helpful and never ever mean

We salute you, Coral Jean, our garden queen

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