October Breeze & October Agenda Outline

October 2018 Breeze

Thank you to all of the volunteers who bring us the Breeze!

Agenda Notes for PPCC meeting on 10/16/2018

 Follow the following Order of Business

  1. Call to Order
  2. Presentation and action on the minutes of the previous meeting
  3. Presentation and action on the treasurer’s report
  4. Reading of all communications received
  5. Report of the Committees

Art Fair- June 29 & 30 2019

Watch- Traffic concerns task force, Marina Inn expansion concerns-200 ft. standard already expanded in 2016 by legal interpretation by City Planning, Street lights out

Youth- Volunteers sought, see Breeze article

Rummage Sale-June 14 & 15 2019



Environmental-Camping in pine forest, DNR, City, DPD involved

Executive- City of Duluth’s Draft Proposal re. Upper Lafayette Rentals


6.  Discussion and action on unfinished business

  • Letter to the City on eliminating the stop sign at 19th- membership concerned about traffic calming provided by this sign at 19th

7.Discussion and action on new business- next month Tom Beery from MN Sea Grant on possible erosion help

  • Art Fair Contract

8.  Adjournment

Rules for building on the waterfront













Photo by Steve Sola, 9/22/2018,http://duluthshippingnews.com/

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