Important Meeting at Lafayette Jan. 23



Everyone is invited!


1. Public Information Meeting on Harbor Dredging and Park Point Beach Nourishment

[Duluth, MN] – The public is invited to an information meeting co-hosted by the City of Duluth, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, to learn about plans for dredging the harbor and placement of the materials for beach nourishment near the Wisconsin Entry.


The meeting will take place on:  Wednesday, January 23, 2019

6:00 – 7:30 pm Public Information Meeting

Lafayette Community Recreation Center, 3026 Minnesota Ave


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will discuss their 2019 plans dredging the Duluth-Superior Harbor navigational channel and placing the clean sediment along Minnesota Point near the Wisconsin Entry as a means to temporarily protect the beach against shore erosion. Following the presentation there will be an opportunity to ask questions about the proposed project. Staff from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, MN Pollution Control Agency and the City will be available to help address questions about the proposed project.

Access to the building is by way of the ramp due to icy conditions; however, the lower door in the front of the building will also be open. The meeting room is in the upper level.

For more information, contact Diane Desotelle, Natural Resources Coordinator at or (218)730-4329.


2. Park Point Neighborhood Meeting- Watch for new date
Hosted by: Councilor Arik Forsman, Councilor Noah Hobbs, and the Duluth Police Department
When: 6 – 8 p.m. on Tuesday, January 29th- POSTPONED DUE TO COLD

Location: Lafayette

Councilors Hobbs and Forsman, along with a leader from the Duluth Police Department, will be at Lafayette to talk with neighbors and listen to your concerns and ideas regarding safety and security on Park Point.

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