Pizza, Presentation, Meeting on Tuesday at Lafayette, 1/21/2020

6:30pm Membership Drive and Pizza Party

7pm Guest speaker

“Starved, drowned, and battered: The uncertain fate of Park Point”

John B. Swenson, Associate Professor and Associate Chair

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

University of Minnesota Duluth

“Lake Superior is near historically high levels, allowing wave action to attack Park Point to devastating effect. But how does the current dilemma fit into a longer-time context? Was erosion unimportant eight years ago, when lake levels were near historic lows? I will attempt to summarize what we know about long-term erosion of Park Point and—using results of recent and ongoing research by myself and colleagues—discuss models for Park Point’s future. Some questions we will address include the following: How old is Park Point? (It likely is younger than you think.) What serves as the source of its sand? How have humans disrupted its sand budget and what are the implications? What can be done—realistically—to mitigate beach loss, particularly in areas adjacent to the Duluth and Superior entries? The goal of the talk is to provide basic insight into the natural and anthropogenic forces shaping Park Point on timescales somewhat beyond those of straightforward human observation. Such insight might be useful to stakeholders.”


Sewer lining project update from Tom P. at the City

Hello and Happy New Year!

As you may have observed, the contractor (Michels) in continuing to work on pipe cleaning and CCTV pipe inspection efforts.

Yesterday, we mailed out a letter with our new schedule for completion of this project as follows:

Cleaning and CCTV inspection of the remaining pipes                       January/February 2020

Install CIPP pipe liner and post lining activities                                     March/April 2020

Contract complete                                                                                          May 22, 2020



Tom Pfeffer

Senior Engineer
MN Licensed PE

City of Duluth – Public Works & Utilities

411 West First Street, Room 240

Duluth, MN 55802




Officials, citizens focus on Park Point erosion by John Ramos

Duluth Monitor 

Park Point erosion – Duluth Monitor 1:19:2020 pdf


Save the Date for clean-up along Park Point on Thursday, May 14 (5-7pm)

Want to help with planning this event in which the PPCC is partnering with the City of Duluth Volunteer Corps.?

Contact: Chery Skafte


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