PPCC Meeting at the Duluth Rowing Club, Tuesday Aug. 17th!

See you at the DRC! Pre-meeting gathering at 630pm, check out the Club’s facilities and boats; meeting at 7pm.


3911 Minnesota Ave.

Duluth Monitor by John Ramos May 2020; good photos of the erosion and starvation of sand on the south end of MN Point. PPCC Volunteers have been seeking on long term solutions for decades.

July PPCC Elections at Lafayette

Lafayette, 6:30pm for Socializing and set up; 7pm Meeting and Elections

Mark your calendars for National Night Out on Tuesday 8/3 at Lafayette from 5-7pm. Brats and lemonade will be provided, please bring a salad or picnic fare to share & bring a lawn chair. Meet the DPD officers who are helping with our Traffic Safety program, meet new neighbors and reconnect after a long and challenging year!

July 15th 50th Park Point 5-Miler & Best Beach Websites Details here:

Health & Safety note: Please be conscientious of your neighbors and the community during the event; anyone who is feeling sick or has Covid-19 like symptoms needs to stay home from the race and the cheering activities. Masks are encouraged for anyone who is not vaccinated.

Road Closures / Event timeline

With restrictions eased, we will be back to a fairly normal schedule for the event, including road closures. Plan is as follows:

o   6:00 PM – Minnesota Ave south of 22nd St closes to traffic

o   6:30 PM – 5 Mile run start

o   6:40 PM – 2 Mile walk start

o   7:05 PM – Estimated final participant reaches turnaround (2328 Minnesota Ave). DPD begins to gradually allow local traffic (moving slowly) as the race sweep vehicle (behind final participant) moves back toward the park.

o   7:45 PM – Minnesota Ave fully open to traffic

·       Lafayette Park

We will again have a water station a Lafayette Square Park. We’re debating using the hose connection for water or pouring from leftover bottles we have from the marathon. Water at Lafayette might be procured.

·       Volunteers

We are always glad for volunteers on the racecourse for this event, to direct and cheer runners/walkers, and ensure the safety of all. Residents on the racecourse could be the perfect volunteers for this event, as they are able to volunteer from their own driveways! If anyone from the PP Community Club or other residents might be interested, please direct them our way.

Finally, we’re hoping to celebrate the 50th edition of the Park Point 5-Miler by having some activities for folks to hang out at the Point after the race – we’ll share more info on that as it is solidified, but the PP community would be encouraged to come join in!

Greg Haapala, Race Director,Greg@grandmasmarathon.com

O: 218-727-0947

C: 612-655-0439

Thanks to Cheryl Podtburg for attending the June meeting!

From Cheryl:

Here’s a great website for information on how rip currents form, how to spot them, etc. https://www.michiganseagrant.org/topics/coastal-hazards-and-safety/dangerous-currents/
www.parkpointbeach.org is your “one-stop shop” for most things. The National Weather Service (NWS) forecast is pretty accurate for Park Point. The zip code you will want to use is 55802.  The NWS also has a surf zone forecast in case the link on the parkpointbeach.org is broken or down… and you can look at the rest of the Great Lakes as well! Water temperature: go to https://www.d.umn.edu/buoys/ and use the following buoy: 

  • Cheryl Podtburg
  • Risk & Safety Manager
  • Duluth Area Family YMCA
  • Pronouns: she/her/hers
  • Central Services302 W 1st Street, Duluth, MN 55802
  • (P) 218-722-4745 x115
  • (E) cpodtburg@duluthymca.org (W) http://duluthymca.org
  • The Y: We’re for youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility

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