2012 Park Point Garage Sales

I asked Charlene for 2012 Garage Sale info, here it is, tell your friends.  Remember that the dates are on the right column in the “Upcoming Events” section.  This info, along with some other related info can also be found on the “ParkPointGarageSale” page in the header.
“The 2012 Park Point Garage Sale is scheduled for Friday June 8th and Saturday June 9th,  2012  Approx times 8 AM – 5 PM
Co Chairs are Charlene Shimmin  722-6828 and Dave Lavamaki 729-8925
email address is parkpoint@clearwire.net
approx 100 yards of sales and 4 miles of bargains   Good Food and plenty of free parking.
Even more sales and more bargains on Saturday.

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