Bear Lee

For the record, If I were to name the bear, I’d go with ‘Bear Lee’ instead of ‘Vinny the Pooh’.  It seems that a bear named ‘Vinny the Pooh’ would never spark a controversy.  Here’s some pictures and comment from Sue Johnson:

“These are some pictures of “Vinny the Pooh”, our Park Point bear, that has been visiting us all Spring. He’s just been a hungry little bear and if there hadn’t been the tempting bird seed in feeders and dog food left out over night, he wouldn’t be such a problem. It’s amazing that he hasn’t been more of a pest in the garbage cans left out on the curbs once a week.  At least he hasn’t bothered ours beyond 40th.  His latest caper here, though, was running under our deck and bursting through the lattice work on the opposite end of the deck.  He’s been fun to see and our grandkids got to see him last week-end as well, but I think it’s time for him to go back to a more natural environment.  We hope he can be moved successfully and unharmed. He’s brought some excitement and fun to our quiet community that was good for awhile but now it’s time to bid him farewell.

If you get any pictures of him when he’s captured, we’d love to see them in the next Breeze as well as an update on how and where the release went.

Sue Johnson”

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