gypsys’ have been dealt with

message from Lucia Hunt:

“The Minnesota Department of Agriculture wishes to thank the residents of Park Point for their positive attitude during the gypsy moth treatments this week.  Workers were very pleased with the welcome reception from homeowners and visitors alike.  Everything from the large sign to the many encouraging words from neighbors and bicyclists made us feel that this community is extremely cohesive and a real pleasure to live in.

The notification process on Monday and Tuesday was very well received and the actual application took place on Wednesday with no problems at all.  Thanks to the many warnings about the bear, we were all alert and watching (although no sightings).  We tried to trample down as much poison ivy as possible out past the airport but some may have taken home a lasting, and itchy, souvenir of our time spent on the Point.

Thanks again for your hospitality during our short stay, we will continue to track gypsy moth populations along the Point and are optimistic that this treatment will hold them down for a while.”

Lucia Hunt
Gypsy Moth Unit Supervisor
Plant Protection Division
Minnesota Department of Agriculture
625 Robert St. N.
St. Paul, MN  55155

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