Sky Harbor Airport Runway Update

Duluth Airport Authority Sky Harbor Airport – Duluth, MN-Obstruction Removal and Environmental Review Process

Project Update October 2012

Sky Harbor Airport Photos

Hi Neighbors,

Nice to see so many of you at our meeting last week. Our  guests listed below presented info on the airport project:

  • Tom Werner, Director of Operations/Interim Exec. Director of the Duluth Airport Authority
  • Kaci Nowicki, Airport Planner, SEH Engineering,
  • Allyz Kramer, Senior Biologist, Project Manager, SEH Engineering,
  • Brian Madsen, Sky Harbor Airport Manager

Ms. Allyz Kramer is based in Duluth and would be happy to answer any questions about this ongoing project. Also,  stop in at Sky Harbor to visit with Brian the airport manager.

Thanks also to Park Pointer, Bob Pokorney, who spoke about starting a volunteer lifeguard & rescue crew at the S curve beach. There would also be a “beach health” component to this crew, ie education about trash pickup, riptides, etc. Please let me know if you’d like to get involved with this group.

See you at the beet potluck on Wednesday night!


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