Category: Uncategorized

PPCC Meeting on Tuesday, May 17, social at 6:30pm , meeting at 7pm »

Items for discussion: Program planned has been postponed, Todd Kremmin will join us another time. Election of officers & committee chairs, nominations also taken from the floor- vote Summer Youth program proposal- Sally Buck on behalf of Youth Committee will ask for membership support- vote Park Point Survey Proposal with UMD Professor Ryan Bergstrom- Lyn […]

Updated members list »

It’s located under documents of interest on the right.

Mayor »


Smelt Parade & Party on Sunday, May 15, 2016 »

Our next meeting is on Tuesday, May 17. Elections!          

Next Brush & Branch Drop Off Dates on Park Point »

The drop off site will be open in May on Saturday the 7th and 21st from 10am until 2pm- at the end of Park Point for brush, branch & tree waste processing. No brush, branches or tree matter should leave Park Point due to the Emerald Ash Borer quarantine. Questions to: Dale Sellner Building and […]

Meeting Tuesday, April 19, 6:30pm & meeting at 7pm »

Hi Neighbors, Hope to see you on April 19th. Second vote needed on supporting: Smelt Parade, Edible Garden Project, Rowing Club Buildings Candidates for May’s election Update on summer youth program, volunteers needed to make this program happen this year. Thanks to Sally Buck, Rhonda Strum and Carla Tamburro for working on a proposal. Details […]

Pic »

This photo of Park Point Nature Trail is courtesy of TripAdvisor

April Breeze »


The Olympic Experience with David Krmpotich, Olympic Rower »

Thursday, April 7, Free, 7pm Spirit of the North Theater, Fitgers Brewery Complex, 600 E. Superior St. Cash bar and appetizers at 6:30pm before the presentation David Krmpotich grew up in Duluth and began rowing with the Duluth Rowing Club as a teenager in the 1970s.  He went on to have a stellar rowing career […]

PPCC Meeting on Tuesday, March 15, 6:30pm social, 7pm meeting »

Two guests from the Duluth Fire Dept. will speak about the All-Hazard Water Craft: Asst. Chief Reff and Captain Kleive. Here are details about the vessel. Answers to questions submitted are here. Neighbor Jim Ouray will be requesting community support for the May 15 Smelt Parade. Jim will explain the event which the club has […]