Welcome to Camp Lafayette, a neighborhood summer camp housed in the lower level of the historic Lafayette building on Park Point. Organized each year for the children of Park Point, this experiential summer program is designed to give our youth from 5-12 years of age exposure to friendship, learning, and self-directed summertime play. We also offer any additional spaces in our Camp to families in the wider Duluth-area community. You are welcome to check us out!
Location and Hours:
- Camp is held at the Lafayette Club House on Park Point (3026 Minnesota Ave).
- Camp is open from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday through Thursday.
- Camp begins Monday, June 9 and runs though Thursday, August 7, 2024 for 9 weeks total.
Registration Opens:
- March 19th for Park Point Residents
- March 21st for returning families
- March 24th for the wider Duluth-area community
If you are interested in more details, or to Register your child for Camp Lafayette, please click here.
For Registered Families:
Peace in the Parks Agreement
- All Camp Lafayette participants, campers and parent/s/guardian/s, must agree to the Camp Lafayette Expectations and Behavioral Guidelines
- You can download a PDF of the document here
Camp Lafayette Registration Payment info
- Checks should be made payable to PPCC and mailed to: Camp Lafayette / PO Box 16326 / Duluth, MN 55816-0326
- Please include your child/children’s names in the memo of your check.
Please email CampLafayetteParkPoint@gmail.com with any questions!