Category: Uncategorized

Community Club Meeting on May 21; Call Dick to plant trees »

Our trees will arrive on May 15 and we need volunteers to plant them. Please call Dick Gould 727-4067 to schedule tree pick-up. Thanks to Dick for facilitating Park Point tree planting  for years! This year we will be planting red and white pines and white cedars.  Looking ahead- monthly meeting on May 21, the […]

it’s a maybe ease »


Street End Working Group Meeting & Presentation on Tuesday May 5, 7pm Lafayette »

Urban Planning Student Project Presentation and Working Group Meeting A group of UMD students will share their analysis and recommendations for Park Point in their presentation: Collaborative Planning The Politics of Public Parks All are welcome, 7pm, Lafayette on Tuesday May 5th City Planning Street End Study Group starts May 6th City of Duluth Planning […]

PPCC Meeting on Thursday April 16, 7pm, social time at 6:30pm »

Club Mission: The purpose of the Club is to work for the betterment of the Community and the welfare of its residents. Agenda items: Second vote on support for Run, Smelt, Run– Jim Ouray, $300 as proposed. Breeze Editor proposal, contract with Natalija Walbridge, PPCC executive board recommends a one year contract. Park Point Working […]

April Breeze »


Important dates for park pointers »

35th annual Park Point Rummage Sale, dates are June 12 and 13, 2015 with contact number 218-729-8925

membership.list/on/the/RightSide/of/the/website »

Depending on when you read this, there is now a membership list on the right side of the website under documents of interest.  If it is the year 2030, then I doubt it’s still there.

Here’s a March Breeze »


Special Meeting & Rowing Club presentation on March 19th »

Special Meeting on Tier 2 Access. March 19, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Regular meeting to follow A special meeting has been requested by the members of the informal Park Point Working Group which is made up of about a dozen volunteers who have been meeting over the past 5 months. The special meeting will include […]

How to comment on variance requests to the Planning Commission »

1 – Link to prospective 9-story Park Point hotel update 2 – Next Planning Commission Meeting: Meeting Time and Place: Second Tuesday of every month Council Chamber, City Hall, at 5:00 p.m. Agenda Item PL 15-025 Variance from Mu-W Height Limit at 1001 Minnesota Avenue (under previous name) Island Inn and Suites (now called […]