Category: Uncategorized

Lower Lafayette closed due to cold- today, Feb.18 »

Hopefully things will warm up for tomorrow. Questions/comments to Dawn 393-4219 or Dave 722-1511  

Community Club Meeting on Thursday, February 19th, 6:30 pm social »

Social at 6:30pm Upper Lafayette Meeting agenda items for 19 Feb. Mike Sawinski from the Duluth Superior Sailing Association and the Duluth Boat Club will be back to share info and take input about the new proposed boating facilities at the current DSSA site and at 13th and Minnesota Ave. Sharla Gardner, City Councilor for […]

Skating at Lafayette this week- 10am to 7pm , Feb. 16-20 »

Would you please use the side door (south side)  for entering? (Both doors near the rink work for exiting the lower level, front and south side.) Please call Dave P. 722-1511 or Dawn B. 393-4219 with questions or requests for extended hours. Thank  you to all who have made skating on Park Point possible. Enjoy!

Feb.Breeze »


Skate at Lafayette this weekend, 17-19 JAN. 10:30 TO 7PM »

HI, Weekend greetings. Thanks to Lafayette neighbors for opening and closing. If you would like extended hours in lower Lafayette, would you please call Dave 722-1511 or Dawn 393-4219?  

PPCC Membership Meeting & Pizza Party on Jan. 15 »

Pizza & Social at 6:30, More social & meeting starts at 7pm @ Lafayette Upper Agenda items: Duluth Boat Club Presentation on sites at 13th and boat launch/DSSA area Bylaws committee would like input on meeting night change. Which night and what time ? Dave Poulin & Liz Mackay of Bylaw Committee. Please contact Dave […]

Ice burbling and neighbors’s view in Mexico »

Ice burbling behind Beach House In contrast to our neighbors down in Mexico

Pontliana Woods- Please contact Councilor Gardner »

Submitted by Park Pointer Gay Hooper: Just to assure Councillor Gardner that there are more than just a couple of us wanting to save the Woods, I would greatly appreciate it if you and everyone you know would send a short email to Sharla requesting that the Woods at 17th and 18th be saved. Her […]

A Resident’s Concern re. Emergency and Fire Protection on Park Point »

Park Point resident Dennis Hoelscher shared this recent post:  Residents Concerns About Insufficient Fire and Medical Emergency Services in Duluth, Minnesota Fire and emergency medical services have been at or near the top of residents’ concerns for several years. The closing of Fire Station 5, in June 2012, made conditions even worse. A report was […]

Here’s the first Breeze of the year! »
