Pontliana Woods- Please contact Councilor Gardner

Submitted by Park Pointer Gay Hooper:
Just to assure Councillor Gardner that there are more than just a couple of us wanting to save the Woods, I would greatly appreciate it if you and everyone you know would send a short email to Sharla requesting that the Woods at 17th and 18th be saved.
Her email address is sharla.gardner@gmail.com
The time to act is NOW! We have less than 60 days.
Thank you for your support.
Gay Hooper
1717 Minnesota Ave.
Duluth, MN 55802


The key points are:

1. The County commissioners voted to take the woods out of conservation at the Nov. 4th board meeting.

2. There will not be a public auction until June 2015. This will allow some time to explore permanent protection, but not a lot.  We are asking anyone with any insight or conservation group connections to please contact Gay Hooper 218-722-2357 or Dulce Proud 218-525-4530.

3. Key soil testing has not been done. The city council has been informed and will look into this.

4. A 1994 six-step MDNR action plan to preserve this land is now being ignored. We will ask the Planning Commission and City Council to re-review the situation.

5. We gave a presentation at the Duluth Audubon Society meeting last week. They were very supportive.

6. 17th &18th Minnesota Ave homeowners met with Rep. Erik Simonson today. He was given a lot of background information about the woods and a copy of the latest breeze thanks to Dave Johnson.

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