PPCC Meeting on Tuesday, March 19, 630pm social, meeting at 7pm, all are welcome

Agenda Notes:

Sky Harbor Airport runway update, Kaci Nowicki, SEH Engineering

Second vote to approve expenditure in support of the Smelt Parade, 250.00 by Jim Ouray, Parade is on May 12

Survey data on Potholes 2019

Update on Summer Youth Program

Marine 19 GA– All Hazard Vessel of Duluth & Superior Ports

A few years ago the PPCC supported the acquisition of a craft like this.

Wondering if this is the craft secured with a grant and where it will be docked?

Yes, this is the craft secured with a 2016 Port Security Grant. 25% of the funds were locally raised or supported by the DFD. The vessel will be docked at Pier B Resort in June.

Would you be willing to send information on this? How it came to be and how it will be used?

The Port Security Grant Program is a US Coast Guard funding opportunity for local agencies to support mission critical needs in commercial ports nationwide. The Port of Duluth-Superior had many identified gaps in local resources identified by the Coast Guard. This vessel will fill those identified gaps in resources. Here is some of the vessels capabilities.

The DFD quick response vessel was specifically designed and equipped for swift response to support all life safety operations including: search/rescue, evacuations, medevac/EMS, fire protection/suppression, environmental emergencies, and personnel transport. In addition, the vessel will be equipped to support hazardous material response needs in cooperation with Duluth Fires regional team . This high speed maneuverable craft will also include: patient care space, FLIR night vision camera, high definition radar and GPS, side scan underwater sonar, and shallow draft.

Housing info. on Park Point, Fall 2017 from Duluth City Planning Dept.

Park Point Figures:

Total Single Family Homes: 425

Condo’s: 20 total units

Apartments: 155 total units

Duplexes: 10 total units (five duplexes)

B & B’S – 1

Interim Use Permit- 20 out of 60 issued permits

Home Share’s: None out of 21 issues

Hotel’s: 3

  • Median sales price is $302,500

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