Recommendations on USACE Beach Restoration 2021 from 9th-13th on Park Point

The Park Point Community Club supports the recommendations that the EHWC is proposing as stated below:

Because the erosion situation on Park Point, especially in the area between 9th and 13th streets, poses an emergency level of risk of storm damage, we strongly encourage the City of Duluth and USACE to complete the beach nourishment project in 2021. The following recommendations aim to mitigate issues experienced this year:

  1. The USACE deposits up to 100,000 cubic yards of MPCA-approved dredge materials on the beach from 9th to 13th streets in 2021.
  1. Prior to the beach nourishment application in 2021, the USACE will study and report back to the City of Duluth, Park Point Community Club and the PPCC EHWC their findings on the cause of the crushed aluminum and what will be done to avoid a repeat of that problem. 
  1. Prior to the beach nourishment application in 2021 a concerted education effort will be undertaken by the USACE, the City of Duluth, and the Park Point Community Club on the nature of the beach nourishment project, what is to be expected, and what residents can do to mitigate temporary effects during the application of new beach materials.
  1. Dredged materials considered for continued beach nourishment will undergo detailed analysis for suitability before they are placed on the beach. The USACE’s sediment sampling plan must meet MPCA requirements. During the application of new beach materials in 2021, the City of Duluth, the USACE, and PPCC will work together to monitor the materials for the presence of unwanted components.  If unwanted components are found on the beach, the USACE will take steps to remove them.
  1. If there are remaining dredge materials, they are placed on the south end of Minnesota Point (Lake Superior side) to protect the old growth pine forest including the scientific and natural areas.

Description of the 2020 Beach Nourishment Project from the USACE

US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Summary of 2020 Park Point Project

PPCC Erosion & High Water Committee Recommendations for 2021

Summary of Feedback Collected by the PPCC EHWC as requested


December 2020 Breeze

12.9.2020 letter supporting EHWC recommendations which include feedback from membership

Looking ahead 1/19/2021 Zoom Meeting, details to follow

5:30pm Improving Safety on Park Point, Mike Tusken, Duluth Police Dept.

Updates from last meeting:

PPCC EHW Committee members walked the beach on Thursday 11/19 to check on hazards post restoration project, report here. Hamilton Smith, chairperson, contacted the USACE and the City of Duluth to see who would be willing to join the committee members and neighbor on the site tour.

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