National Night Out at St. Andrews By The Lake ,Aug. 6 2019, PPCC Meeting

What a great gathering of over 250 neighbors and members of DPD and DFD last night at SABTL!

Many thanks to the great cooks & hosts at St. Andrews and to Len and Lois for providing the entertainment~ a very fun evening of getting to know neighbors and members of the DPD and the DFD!

PPCC Meeting Highlights:

  • Erosion Committee will distribute a survey in the September Breeze, new committee volunteer connected with the group
  • PP Summer Youth Program wraps up this Thursday, 11am play and awards followed by BBQ at noon, super year, program saw an increase in number of kids~ many thanks to PPCC Youth Committee, parents, program leaders and PPCC and community volunteers and partners.
  • Sunday, September 15th, 3-7pm softball, good food and bingo at Lafayette, volunteers requested, see The Breeze
  • Questions about what is happing at the playground at 12th across from the Coast Guard station?? Inquiry to be sent.
  • “See something, Say something” on Park Point by calling 911 requests the DPD
  • Loose dogs are a problem, call 911 and say it’s not an emergency and provide info. Neighbor is worried about dogs in the busy street.

Other issues mentioned:

Parking on Lafayette on the field during rentals, inquiry sent, concerns about field integrity, any other parking ideas?

Pickle Ball court ready at Lafayette on Tennis Court- Thanks to Parks and Rec. and community volunteers for helping with this project by providing materials and installing the supplies.

Beach access at 8th, what is the status of the clean-up at that street?

Long grass at S-Curve- who is to mow? Is this park land or federal land?

Is it possible to get a garbage can behind Lafayette? Lots of trash noted by neighbor.

Neighbors gather for National Night Out celebration.

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