ART FAIR this Weekend! June 29, 30

Park Point Art Fair Website

6/18 PPCC Meeting; 6:45pm social, 7:00pm meeting~ upcoming invasive workshop on 6/25, details hereHope to see you Tuesday evening! June 2024 Breeze is here.

Agenda Notes & Updates and read important details here:

Debrief Rummage Sale

Check in on Camp Lafayette, PPCC’s summer kids program

6/25: Baby’s Breath workshop: Meet near the airport parking area on Tuesday June 25 at 9:00am (with a backup plan of June 26th at 1:00pm if weather is bad on Tuesday), here is a planting guide for MN Point, here is a guide to invasive Baby’s Breath, another study on Baby’s Breath in the Michigan Dunes is here.  Please bring copies of the handout on invasive Baby’s Breath (if you have one, they will also be available at the workshop) and digging tools, gloves, clippers etc. And of course, be prepared to work around poison ivy. Questions? Rebecca Holmstrom,Plant Ecologist/ Botanist | Minnesota Biological Survey, Ecological and Water Resources, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources,Phone: 218-302-3247, Email:

Art Fair Needs, call Diane Gould to volunteer for June 29, 30

Sky Harbor Terminal Ribbon Cutting, Wed. July 10th, 1pm

Traffic Safety Efforts Update

MPPS Update

Grandma’s Marathon & Park Point 5-Miler – Thursday July 18, 2024; Thank you to Greg Haapala, Race Director for sending these details!

Volunteer Opportunities and Details are here, see below:

Grandma’s Marathon Weekend – June 20-22, 2024

We are still in need of volunteers in many areas and over a variety of days, Thurs-Sun! If anyone has interest, please let me know or feel free to browse volunteer opportunities here:

  • The Park Point 5-Miler is scheduled for July 18, and we hope to have another great year! It will start at 6:30pm as always, and we will again have a small post-race shindig near the Beach House with a beer & cider garden, food trucks, and music. All are welcome!  Course is same as always.
  • Traffic Advisory & schedule details will be same as 2023:
    • 5:30 PM – Free Kids Races (14 & under) at the Point, near the Beach House
    • 6:00 PM – Minnesota Ave south of 22nd St closes to traffic
    • 6:30 PM – 5 Mile run start
    • 6:40 PM – 2 Mile walk start
    • 7:05 PM – Estimated final participant reaches turnaround (2328 Minnesota Ave). DPD begins to gradually allow local traffic (moving slowly) as the race sweep vehicle (behind final participant) moves back toward the park.
    • 7:45 PM – Minnesota Ave fully open to traffic
  • We will also place advance traffic signage again on Sunday/Monday of the event week again at the S-Curve and just inside the Park area
  • Tables and water access from the Lafayette Community Center for our water station needed, volunteers will be needed to facilitate.
  • Event on the S-curve to remind residents and visitors

Questions about the beavers on Hearding Island? Contact:

Chris Balzer, DNR Area Wildlife Manager, Phone: 218-878-5665, Email: From Chris re. beavers on private land: “If damage is occurring on private land, the land owners would have fairly broad leeway to remove the beavers causing damage. A nuisance trapper could be brought in to help in this situation, but they are private contractors and charge a fee for their efforts. If you need some info regarding nuisance trappers feel free to give me a call at the below number. Another way to protect trees on private land is to loosely wrap the base of the tree with 3 ft. high chicken wire or hardware cloth. This wire is enough to discourage the beaver from cutting those trees. This it typically only practical if a smaller number of trees are at risk. Feel free to reach out if you have additional questions. Thanks!”

On public land: ” If the tree cutting is only occurring on the Wildlife Management Area, we would not consider this a concern. Beaver are part of the natural ecosystem and cutting trees is part of what they do. Since it is a Wildlife Management Area, we like to let the wildlife do their thing. It is a little strange that they are cutting conifer trees as they would typically target aspen, birch, and willow. However, we still do not have any concerns with this activity on the WMA.”

Art Opening & Display At Sky Harbor Airport 6/15:Sky Harbor Airport is celebrating the opening of its new terminal with an art exhibit featuring fiber artist and Park Point resident, Natalija Walbridge. She creates fabric collages using layering techniques to mimic the interplay of light and color in nature, often depicting wildlife in their habitats with vibrant colors. The public is invited to the opening event on Saturday, June 15th from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, with refreshments, including gluten-free chocolate chip cookies, provided. The exhibit will be on display until July 15th, with the terminal open weekdays from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and during the Park Point Art Fair weekend, June 29, 30.

Natalija Walbridge, Artist & Graphic Designer, 218-213-3958

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