Important updates, gatherings and resources; Sect. 111 meetings on Oct. 29; next PPCC meeting is November 19.
By Dawn Buck on Oct 6, 2024 in Uncategorized
Notes from the June 3 2024 USACE Public Meeting #1 on the Third Section 111 Study
Meeting agenda/notes for the 10/15 meeting meeting.
Flag Football update: Game is on for tonight, Tuesday, Oct. 22, all ages and all experience levels are welcome! 6-7pm
Envisioning Threats to Great Lakes Shorelines: Check out this video from Great Lakes Now, Detroit PBS
SEGMENT 1 | Duluth, Chicago, Detroit
Lost your glasses? A pair of prescription glasses were found on the beach at 35th. This was about two weeks ago.They are blue with sparkly areas on the bows. Contact Gretchen at 218-591-2772 to claim. Thank you!
Photos from the Edible Garden Potluck from Monday the 14th.
The Breeze of October 2024. Link to Lafayette Boardwalk Photos.
Section 111 Study: Please note this date and time on your calendar, Tuesday, 10/29, 2-4pm, check back for any changes:
The City of Duluth and USACE is hosting the second public meeting on the Minnesota Point Section 111 Study. The event will be the afternoon of Tuesday, October 29th in the Lecture Hall in the Maritime Museum Visitor Center, 600 Canal Park Drive. The updated time is from 2-4pm; the meeting will be led by the modeling contractor, Barr Bergmann, and US Army Corps Staff from the Detroit District. The focus of the meeting is presenting information and data from the modeling process which is now 50% complete. Can’t make this meeting? Scroll down for how to hear/see virtually and/or attend the meeting at Lafayette at 6pm. Link to the items from the first public meeting held on 6/3/2024.
Minnesota Point 50 and PPCC will host a debrief and summary after the public meeting from 6-730pm upstairs at Lafayette. If you were unable to attend the work day meeting, stop by for the latest updates.
Join virtually: Details here to hear the 10/29 2-4pm presentation and see the slides, there is no camera in the room; the meeting will be recorded.
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