November PPCC meeting is Tuesday, 11/19, 7pm; Zoom option, see link below
By Dawn Buck on Nov 5, 2024 in Uncategorized
We will meet in person at Lafayette on Tuesday, Nov. 19th. The PPCC Exec. Bod meets at 6pm; Neighbors Connect starting at 645pm and the monthly meeting starts at 7pm.
Zoom link for the meetings, third Tuesdays of the month.
Topic: Park Point Community Club Zoom
Time: Nov 19, 2024 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Every month on the Third Tuesdays, 36 occurrence(s)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 874 8693 2151
Passcode: 524055

Photo by Paul Treuer, 11/18/2024
11/19 From Paul Treuer, Minnesota Point 50:
The materials below are from the recent, Oct. 29, 2024, Section 111 public meeting at the Lake Superior Maritime Visitor Center Conference Room in Duluth, Minnesota. The meeting was hosted by the City of Duluth on the USACE Section 111 (CAP) Study of Minnesota Point. The focus of this meeting included a project update by USACE and a report on the ongoing modeling studies of sediment transport by Barr Bergmann Engineering.
October 29, 2024, 2:00 – 4:00 PM. Public Meeting Duluth Minnesota (presentation recording): Section 111 Minnesota Point Modeling of Sediment Transport
October 29, 2024, USACE Section 111 Minnesota Point, Handout Materials (Prepared by USACE)
The third Section 111 public meeting on the modeling studies is expected at the beginning of next year. Once it is scheduled an announcement to this MP50 email list will be sent out.
Thank you for your interest in, and support for, activities promoting the resilience of Minnesota Point.
Paul Treuer
MP50 Program Coordinator
Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation with your Park Point neighbor Lisa M.; also see Yoga options for Wednesdays, details below. Link to flier is here.
Four Sundays, 9-10am at Lafayette Community Center
Nov. 24, Dec. 1, 8, and 15
(3026 Minnesota Ave. Duluth, MN)
Suggested donation: $20-$40 (four 1-hour classes) (Funds collected above covering building rental will be donated to a local food bank.)
Open to the public; bring a friend!
Email Lisa to sign up:
Join teacher Lisa McKhann to begin or re-energize your mindfulness meditation practice. Over four weeks, learn the basics of “insight meditation” (based in Theravada Buddhism), how we still the mind with compassion and awareness. Each class will include a brief talk, guided meditation, and time for questions.
Lisa McKhann is finishing a two-year training with renowned meditation teachers, Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach.
She also is certified as a 200-level soma yoga instructor.
To sign up (or if you have questions), please email:
Yoga Options are here:
Four Wednesdays, 9-10am at Svalja Yoga
Nov. 20 and 27, Dec. 4 and 11
(18 N. 1st Ave. W., Duluth, MN)
Sign up at

Click here for The November 2024 Breeze
Thank you to the Nov. 5th poll workers at Lafayette!

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